Raghunatha Besa Outfit For Jagannath Mahaprabhu & Balabhadra Mahaprabhu ( 4 parts)
By buying this product you helping jagannath culture & puri market.
It’s the additional divine besa parts which is invisible but always present for his devotees for support & grace
About Dhanu & Tira :
matrial : Paper & Thermocol (Hand carved from famous for its health-giving properties.
package : Dhanu & Tira for jagannath mahaprabhu and balabhadra mahaprabhu(4 parts)
1st time in the store
time to gift Dhanu & Tira to your mahaprabhu.
Nirmalya mahaprasadam & Sanjua for 30days is a complement from us ..
available for every sizes 🥰
buy here 😊👇
call/whatsapp: +91 7978964242
website: www.justkalinga.com
get shri jagannath mahaprabhus
idol , murtis , dress and other divine needs for mahaprabhus devotees from jagannath’s puri dham